

Car Bombed Ko-Lok, Car bombed Gangster - Drug dealer effected Malay to Saudi

Car Bombed Ko-Lok, Car bombed Gangster -  Drug dealer effected Malay to Saudi

     There is another one victim killed from explosion, Mr. Yan Wang, a Chinese-Malay, totally there are 5 killed, and 62 wounded have delivered to Su Ngai-Kolok hospital by rescued staffs. 7 out of 62 wounded are children, after the explosion, the officer has recovered the forth bomb which hidden under a motorcycle near the first explosion point. This clearly shows that the terrorist wish to destroy economic of Su Ngia-Kolok city, and want to  show re-action to the government ‘s policy to clearance of drunks and illegal oil, and operation officers.

        After there were three explosion took place at this time, difficultly to believe it would be just only ideology or Movement separatists as many understood. These are going to scare people away, and panic the officers. It clearly proves that the drug trafficking groups will be able to work smoothly without the officers’ blockading. According the investigation, the officers  have found the Issues are related to the case of 3 bordered provinces in Thailand, which is linked to the news and video recording.

         Moreover, the case of explosion has involved to drug trafficking , because of the photos and other evident found in the house by the police officers on September 13 – 14 . The evident proved the drug trafficking and   violent movement’s gang is related to each other. As suspicious of all found evident, it proves that as they claim to fight for strongly Ideology is not true, but it’s all about drug trafficking and it slowly goes to all youth in the area of 3 bordered provinces. This becomes seriously case of drug trafficking and violence. It appears in the term of supporting as money to hire for causing the violence in domestic and still causes of serious problem for people in local area at this time.

        Observation indicates that as the processing of an illegal movement is, before the bombing occurred, there were a large number of drugs found, and many arrested.
According the information has reported by the security agency identified that the  loss of benefits or as known as “long kan” hired  Masea Uhseng , bandit leader, to take his followers to counteract the cause of their drugs processing. As the reported, according to the sources of EOD (Recovery of the bomb agency) said all evident of bomb debris have found, it caused to believe they are the same villain. The bombings in the area are not containing in a circuit pattern, the explosion points are in the area that can be easily seen as well.

        However, this explosion is not only destroyed the local economy, but it effected to Malaysia because there were four out of five Malaysians killed. One of them is a 3 year-old kid who had vacation with family. There is also suspected of explosives or a bomb that it backs and forth across the border, both before and after the cause as well.
The effected of explosion in Su Ngai-Kolok has transmit vibrations to the Middle East. Especially, the IOC organization is in care of their Muslim minorities in many countries including in 3 bordered provinces of Thailand. They had heard that  the end of struggling in Muslim group has involved with drugs and hidden benefits as well.  It clearly contrasts to the principle of religious and humanitarian . They might be questioned what exactly the domestic violence that occurred in 3 bordered provinces of Thailand for? Is it for the real of ideology or holy war forinnocence people?

        The covert group who claim they are fighting for  ideology, has used this pattern as a tool to cause trouble, especially the drug and oil traders and trading of smuggled contraband. The fact is they are the real terrorists, and all of us need to keep our eyes, and help each other to remove them as quickly as we can, why wait?

      In mid-September , there are three explosions occurred nearby each other in central of business district, municipal, Su Ngai – Kolok in Narathiwat province. During that time, there are  large numbers of tourists and local residents . By the first explosion occurred at 18:45 pm at the Chaozhou Association on SaiCharoern 3, . There were three criminals  on the road with a bomb hidden in a motorcycle, and causes explosion triggered.

       Later in 5 minutes, it’s about 200 meters away from the first explosion, there is the second explosion occurred at a motorcycle in front of a bar beer, nearby the entrance to Su Ngai-Kolok telephone office branch, and the third explosion in a car bomb at the intersection near the restaurant, which is opposite with Merlin hotel, the volcanic eruption caused a few stores damaged, included the front glass door of the hotel. There were three people found dead , included Lt. Theerapong Suwanweth, a commander of 1992 company, special agent, Narathiwas 36th got wounded while he was checking the point of explosion.

