

Statement Southern Border Provinces Human Rights Protection Committee In the case of Mr Abdullah Isawmusaw losing consciousness while in custody.

At approximately 3:00 AM of 21 July 2019 Mr Abdullah Isawmusaw, a detainee being for questioning in connection with insurgent activity at the interrogation facility of 43 Ranger Regiment in Camp Ingkhayuthaboriharn, lost consciousness. He later died at 4:00 AM  on Sunday 25 August 2019 at Songkhla Nakharin Hospital due to complications from a lung infection.

In response to the initial incident the Southern Border Provinces Human Rights Protection Committee appointed a panel of respected representatives of human rights organizations, civic society, religious organizations, academics, the public sector and government officials to examine the facts and ensure an independent, fair and transparent investigation. The investigation examined the interrogation facility, interviewed personnel involved and gathered other relevant information. A summary of the committee's findings are as follows:

1.The staff of the interrogation facility followed correct procedure and no irregularities were found in their conduct.

2. The interrogation facility was found to be set up according to standard. However at the time of the incident the CCTV camera system was not operational. Investigation found that the building had recently been completed on 22 May 2019. The CCTV cameras had been installed but system had not yet been turned over by the contractor. ISOC Region 4 Forward has since taken delivery of the system and it is now operational. ISOC Region 4 Forward has said it welcomes requests by any organization to inspect the facility.

3. Information from doctors who provided medical to Mr Abdullah was as follows:

     3.1 Cause of death was due to severe pneumonia and septic shock. There was no blood circulation in the brain and the patient had also suffered from lack of oxygen to the brain or hypoxic ischerric encephalopathy (as stated in the medical report).

     3.2 In regards to the initial conditions of lack of oxygen and swelling of the brain the doctors who provided treatment said this could have various causes as follows:

          3.2.1 Severe external trauma causing severe internal injuries. Thorough investigation, including external physical examination, x-rays and scans found no such injuries.

          3.2.2 Cerebral hemorrhage due to an aneurysm. This condition usually does not show symptoms beforehand and can cause severe damage to brain tissue. A scan of Mr Abdullah's brain showed bleeding in the inner part of the brain or a subarachnoid hemorrhage. However there was no bleeding in the outer part of the brain, as would happen in the case of severe blunt force trauma. It is possible that an aneurysm resulted in the brain being deprived of oxygen. However further detailed investigation was not possible while Mr Abdullah was still alive because the lack of blood circulation to the brain made it impossible to inject intravenous x-ray solutions. A request to conduct an autopsy after his death was also denied. Therefore the cause of the bleeding in the brain cannot be confirmed.

         3.2.3 Oxygen deprivation. This can result from both external force applied by another individual or by a immediate medical condition. In the case of the former this can include torture, such as having a plastic bag placed over the  head or covering the face with a damp cloth and pouring water onto it. In the latter it can mean the person lost consciousness, stopped breathing and was not treated in time. However in the medical opinion of the examining doctors the application of force in such a manner usually results in a rupture of the minor blood vessels. This is usually most clearly noticeable in bleeding in the eyes and gums, dark discoloration of the lips and a darkened, swollen face. There could also be some tissue damage. There were no such signs on Mr Abdullah.

4. The committee finds that the conditions which led to Mr Abdullah's death happened while he was in custody and his family should be compensated for this loss. This report with all relevant information, including the medical report will be sent to the SBPAC for further consideration on this matter. His family should receive humanitarian assistance and the committee will invite his wife and family members to discuss this.

Southern Border Provinces Human Rights Protection Committee
                                                            27 August 2019

