

Mr.Shintaro Hara behavior as a threat to national security

                 In case of Mr.Shintaro Hara wrote an article on website deepsouthwatch.org on July 5, 2014. In order to prevent users of the website and social media from misunderstanding and publicizing more widely to the public. The author would like to clarify a correct understanding as follows.-

                     The first issue  :  Mr. Shintaro Hara wrote that the officials informed him the state authorities want to arrest him without notice the reason whether detaining for 7 days based on martial law  or  arrest him according to the criminal procedure code or deporting him after the authorities has been reported that he criticized NCPO’s work. (National Council for Peace and Order) in the media.    In this case Mr.Shintaro might misunderstand or intend to distort the fact. The authorities just invited him for warning and make more understanding on the issues not even thought to arrest and detain him. The truth was on July 18, 2014, nothing happened to him no detaining or any acts of human right violation which Mr.Shintaro Hara knew well  but after talking why he wrote as such which distort the fact. This matter must be considered.

                     The second issue  :  Mr. Shintaro Hara wrote that the official expressed his dislike on his faces clearly and said frankly that due to his actions he could have been arrested.  In this regard,  if I were the official, I could not force a smile while talking with one who malevolent against his country. The official could not pretend to do in the opposite of his mind . On several occasions he have participated in good activities I always see him smile and seem very happy. If Mr.Shintaro would like to have a good feeling from him like that then he have to stop  thinking to undermine Thailand .

                                The third issue  :  Mr. Shintaro Hara wrote that he have ceased to take any actions in the media only in private face book since NCPO have seized the power. This statement was not true he distorted the fact. The truth was after NCPO have seized the power on June 22, 2014  Mr.Shintaro still continue moving his activities. For instance.-
                        On june 27, 2014  Mr.Shintaro PKL Advisory Board participated in seminar  on the topic Pattani was a lost state (Bicara Nusantara : Patanisebuah Negara Yang Hilang) at the Habib hotel in Kota Bharu city, Kelantan state, Malaysia. It was organized by the Center for Sustainability Studies (Pusatkajian Lestari : PKL), civil society organizations  of Malaysia. The seminar participants were as follows 1. Mr. Amad Fathialfatone Islamic Committee and traditional Malaya, Kelantan state and  2. Mr. Tuwaedaneya Tuwaemaegae Director of Patani Raya for peace and development (LEMPAR) ,  Mr.Hambalee Hamad , Center for Sustainability Studies was a moderator .
            On July 11-13, 2014 cooperated with PerMAS by setting up activity for the youth in The Efficiency Enhancement of Youth For Peace Project at  kalo Kapo Beach in Pattani province and on  July 17, 2014 participated in  the 3rd  public seminar on the topic Young People Encouragement - Culture of New Thinking at Political Science room, on the 3rd  Floor  Prince of Songkla university, Pattani campus.

In fact, the 3 southern border provinces and 4 districts of Songkhla Province
have  been announced to impose special law for a long time such as martial law since 2014 therefore, any movements or performances through the medias that affected to security of the country  would be wrong both before and after seizure the power of NCPO   but the authorities did not use fully power of the law because the authorities want the  public to live in normal as much as possible by attempting  not to use violence and no human rights violation and provide the public with the most freedom  but at present, people has split opinions, lack of unity,  instability , the security begin to unstable.   To achieve peace and have more security  it is necessary for the authorities to warn people who has a perilous behavior and impacted to national security. The authorities has been invited that kind of people over the country not specific only Mr. Shintaro. When they were all understood and verified that no offense they freed to go home. Be acknowledge that the constitution and Thai law  have been provided with justice to all nations, religions and absolutely not to use for imprison innocent people who are not guilty.

                                 The forth issue  :  He wrote that  the religious leaders  activities to practice Islamic pray for the peace in the period of Ramadan was organized by the authorities. He expressed the views which did not creative but on the contrary undermine the good intentions of religious leaders as  Thai  proverbs says  Not paddling, even hang feet in the water  mean when you do nothing, do not interrupt others who want to do something good. In addition to that it would make the others who read  misunderstood to the authorities  because the truth was the authorities just only the supporters came to assist people to perform their activities in peaceful mean and nonviolence.

The fifth issue    :    The  officials showed the document which was a part of  
Shintaro’s speech to Pattani people no less than 3,000 people, he told the officials ,  he said that the people should support (BRN) (National Revolutionary Front) in the process of ongoing dialogue to pressure organizations otherwise he might leave the negotiation table but in the document just only the people should support BRN. In this case, In the author opinions those sentences should not speak to the public because these sentences tend to excite and guide the people these seem to be a servant of BRN or BRN sponsor in the         political wing. If more people support BRN, the potential and bargaining power of BRN will increase as well.
            The sixth issues   :  The officials asked Mr.Shintaro you would be happy if bloody foreigners had come to your country and did the same as you did. Mr. Shintaro answered that he had the right to do so.  The officials continued asking you would be happy if I would have done those things in your country as same as you did in my country. Mr.Shintaro said I would be happy and respected your own right. The concept and answer of Mr. Shintaro just hold upon the principle of individual rights without distinguishing what is good or bad. In this regard, Mr.Shintaro respected the rights of ones who undermine his own country, excited and created disharmony and no defense his own country. If there were people  who have the idea like this in any countries . Those countries would be collapsed certainly and not any countries want people like this to be in their countries. Mr.shintaro performance was illegal in Thailand. Especially in the time of martial law enforcement and administration by NCPO , there will be more concentrated .
            Mr. Shintaro’s behavior in the past.  Have participated in Bicara Patani Forum. It’s well-known that it was organized by PerMAS the political wing to support  BRN movement. Some of PerMAS members have connected with the extremists. In various movements of PerMAS they claimed that all actions have been done for Justice and human rights.They distorted information and disseminated to the public and intend not to check the fact before releasing.

Excited people and created disharmony in society to cause  Muslim people hate state officials. Took part in movement activities against the state to achieve its goals for          right to self determination  and excite the youth to agree with them. These were the past seminars which Mr. Shintaro has participated.
                        On March 11, 2013  Participated in Patani seminar on the topic 28 Febuary  A Peace Talks Process or the Reconciliation Talks at  Insouth Coordinating Center Rongloa Road, Mung district, Pattani province and on March 23, 2013 participated in Patani seminar on the topic 28 February Positive or Negative Signal to Patani Peace Movement at the office of chancellor Hall, Prince of Songkla University Pattani Campus (PSU). In addition to that Mr. Shintaro still have more  behaviors which were the threat to national security as follows.-         

                        Involved with BRN movement by publicizing a translation of  the 5 BRN’s requests in Youtube website before having a peace dialogue with Thai government on April 29, 2013. The temporary translation and declaration from Patani Malay National Revolutionary Front including translated video content in Malay language to the public.
            It said that,  a peace agreement document has been signed by 3 parties,  but the content has been drafted by Thai government only, BRN and Malaysia governments did not take part in drafting this document.

On July 17, 2014    The Public Colleges  held  the 3rd public seminar on  the
topic Encourage the Youth – New Culture of Thinking at Sriwangsa Room ,Political Science PSU Pattani . Mr. Shintaro as a  lecturer they exchange the ideas about  the youth concept and social medias.
Due to the behavior of Mr. Shintaro in the past ,  there were a lot of  bad matters,
such as blamed the official works, criticized government policy and security units, undermine  credibility of the official’s work , excite students and general public to agree or support the calling for independence which affected to the security of Thailand. It was considered as the destroyer of Thailand. According to international law and courtesy        no foreigners who temporary Lives in Thailand and work as a hired teacher should have done which was not  the objectives stated  in the visa to do business or work . In case of the incoming alien threaten the security or any movements besides the purpose stated in the visa it's not  appropriate action and no country would permit. I’ve never heard or seen creative story of Mr. Shintaro in  creating harmony among Thais and bring prosperity and development to Thailand.

 Mr. Shintaro has taken the role of a teacher who impart the knowledge to

students and exploit from the respect of  students  to excite and guide them to agree with him and use a trick of academician in giving a speech and writing the articles to the public to comply with him. As teacher status he should have an teacher ethic. This kind of actions would not be right. May readers and people please cooperate to keep an eye on him and check his behavior.

