

This is an Indonesian mass media.

This is an Indonesian mass media.
The killing of Mr.Mukta Kela who will be a great politician in the future life, with the policy of “ political of Malayan for Malayan” It was cleared to all that his murdered was cause of controversy from his political policy effort will create such a good will to the people in southern provinces of Thailand. He also had controversy among his friends with the same ideology those involving with the rioters movement and make bad sin to the southern people of Thailand ,and the plan to try convey guilty to the Thai official will collapse.  At the assassinated Mr.Mukta Kela site , the village protection force had fired back and kill 2 persons those identified who created a lot of problems in the area and they also killed a small lady teacher Ms. Juling with harrow murder which was the  bad legend known in worldwide.
Finally the garble of the Indonesian mass media quoted that Mr.Mukta Kela was killed by Thai forces, even though the 2 of the rioters were killed at the site. The Indonesian medias made this news up is just to garble to make miss understanding to their people, in the other hand, no doubt to identify that they support the riot movement in the south of Thailand. In this case the Indonesian government should have clearly answer to Thai government. To support the garbling the mass media without ethics like this, or because Indonesian support the meeting of Pulo movement. The Pulo movement creating the unrest in the south of Thailand openly and continuously, together with bringing the news and cheerful of their activities in website www.suara-islam.com .   Last December they quoted that Thai kill the people and get rid of human right. Producing the news this way will not make believe to worldwide every country is watched, especially human right abuse. As so called civilized country should know it is right or wrong and more over, it will destroy the country relationship. 
Thai government is trying to keep peace in the area the effort is still continue. The garble information that some country is trying to involve by supporting mass media is unacceptable for the person who has an honor to be a “watch dog” might forget the mission.
In the case of gable the news of killing Mr.Mukta  Kela in Thailand  should be a case study of the standard of Indonesian mass media. Currently every country in the world should coordinate to create peace or you don’t have this in mind,do you?

